kelly money

No matter where she has lived or traveled around the world, Kelly Money is always looking up. Connecting all living beings, the sky and clouds inspire much of her work, and her paintings continue to explore this theme. 

Kelly holds a BFA from Mason Gross School of the Arts and has continued her post-graduate work at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts. Workshops and mentorships are essential to her mission to continually evolve creatively and spiritually, master new techniques, and find deeper meaning in the work.  

She paints out of her New Hope, PA studio, surrounded by ethereal clouds, her family, 3 cats, and a dog.

artist statement

My work is about the balance of inner and outer worlds. What can be seen and unseen? The spiritual emotional soul that lives in all of us and the material world we all experience. What I paint – clouds - are a universal symbol we can all see but often place our own meaning on.

For me painting is an act of meditation, a time to be quiet and listen to that inner dialogue, be it from my mind or a higher source. Clouds are the perfect metaphor for the impermanence of this life and how nothing stays the same but instead evolves and changes as we do.


mary beth meehan


andrew moon bain